
2 min readNov 3, 2020

I feel that the appropriate age to break the record of sailing around the world is 18. To clarify, evidence from “Ship of Fools” states “ Jordan Romero the 13 year old who just became the youngest person to climb Mount Everest’ ‘ (Weiss, 58–59). This shows me that there has to be a line when it comes to how young you can be when attempting to break a record, 13 is way too young for someone to risk their life. Furthermore Abby was foolish to attempt the trip alone, the crash was not near as bad as some midia made it out to be but she was still only 16, in my opinion 18 is the youngest someone should be before having the choice to risk your life for a record. Additionally, a 16 year old shouldn’t be able to decide such a big thing for herself, at 16 she may not be fully matured and attempt to complete an impossible goal. Consequently, the age for risking your life should be 18 when you’re pretty much fully matured and considered an adult. To conclude parents should decide if they are open to their children taking risks because, if they don’t decide now their child might attempt a dangerous goal in the future and it might result in much worse than being stranded for a few days. Middle schoolers should read news articles like Abbys because it gives us a choice and a chance to make an argument behind that choice. As they study the news students should make sure there is evidence behind a claim the author may make, personally i was 100% against the parents for allowing Abby to sail when i read “Ship of Fools’’ but i neglected the fact that it was an editorial and based on opinion, students should be more careful about first impressions when reading or watching the news.

